Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Taiwan Travel - TaiChung Part 1

I brought my girl for a 8 day trip (from 26th March 2010 to 2nd April 2010) to whole of Taiwan together   with my parents and my mother in law.   The weather was very cold with temperature ranging between 15 to 16 degress and it was blowing strong icy wind. Before my trip, everyone who just came back from Taiwan told us that it was very hot in Taiwan. I had not brought enough warm clothings and my girl was down with fever from the 1st day and only recovered on the 6th day. We went to the famous Ximenting at night to experience the atmosphere and it was there when my girl caught a cold. We stayed  a night in Taipei before starting our round trip in Taiwan.

We went to Formosan Aboriginal Culture village where there are Aboriginal performances . There were many heart -stopping rides  UFO Gyro Drop etc and we only went for the milder rides like merry go round, choo choo train rides.

Opposite Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village was the Lavender Garden where the filming of the drama serial"The Little Princess " was filmed. It was spring time close to Summer  when we visted the garden and Lavenders were  blooming everywhere. It was so beautiful that it almost took my breath away

At night time, we went to Fengjia Night Market to sample a wide variety of traditional local snacks and shopping. The interesting part of this Fengjia Night Market is the University in the centre of the Night Market.

The next morning,we also went to Sun Moon Lake which is a scenic spot and there is a small island in the middle of the lake. This island was a sacred place and we were only allowed to step on the man-made wooden platform and no further                                                                                                                                                  


The greenery behind the man made platform is the sacred place. This greenery was actually a mountain top. When the Japanese occupied Taiwan, they built a dam which raised the water level and flood the moutain range. Sun Moon Lake was thus formed.                                                                                              

Sceneries around Sun Moon Lake

We stayed for a night at Sun Moon Lake and the next day morning,  we went to Peacock Garden which was a mini-zoo and there were more than 200 peacocks and other valuable birds.



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